I Hope You Find It - Miley Cyrus Capo 3 [G]T hese clouds aren't going [Em]n owhere baby [C]R ain keeps [D]coming down I [G]just though I'll try to [Em]c all you, baby [C]F or you got too [D]far outta town [Am]A... C G Em D Am A F
I Miss You - Miley Cyrus [Em]s [Em]halalalala s [G]halalalala yo u used to call me your [D7]angel s aid I was sent straight down from heaven [A]yo u'd hold me close in [E]your arms I loved the way you f... Em G D7 A E Am D C
We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus Capo 4 . Vòng hợp âm [C]- [Em]- [Am]- [F]- . [C]It’s our party we can do what we want [Em]It’s our party we can say what we want [Am]It’s our party we can love who we want [F]We... C Em Am F
Midnight Sky - Miley Cyrus Intro: [Em] [Bm] [C] [Am] [C]La, la,[Am] la-la, la [Em]Yeah, it's been a long night and the [Bm]mirror's telling me to go home [C]But it's been a long time since I [Am]felt this... Em Bm C Am Cmaj7 D G B
The Climb - Miley Cyrus Capo 2 Verse 1 [D]I can almost see it That dream I’m dreaming but [G]There’s a voice inside my head sayin, [Em]You’ll never reach it, [D]Every step I’m taking, Every move I make... C D G Em Bm A
When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus Chords used (F, Dm, C, Bb, Am) Capo 1 Intro Dm, F, C, Bb 2x [Dm]E verybody needs [F]insp iration [C]E verybody [Bb]n eeds a song [Dm]Bea utiful [F]mel ody, [C]when the [Bb]night... C Dm F Bb Am
These Four Walls - Miley Cyrus Capo on 1st fret. Enjoy! Verse [G]T hese four [D]w alls They [C]wh isper to me [G]T hey know a [D]se cret I knew they [C]would not keep [Em]Did n't take long [D]for t he room to... C G D Em F
Full Circle - Miley Cyrus Capo 3 [Verse:] [G]I' [G]ve[D] b[Em]een[C] in a rut Back and forth enough Heart like a [D]wheel [Em] [Em]Wi thout you around So uncomfortable is [C]h ow it feels [G]E very time ... C G D Em Bb F
Bottom Of The Ocean - Miley Cyrus Capo 1 Intro - G - D - F - Cadd9 Verse 1- It's been in the past for [G]a while I get a [D]f lash then I smile [F]A m i crazy i still miss you baby. [Cadd9]It was real [G]It was ... C G D F Cadd9
The Driveway - Miley Cyrus [Intro:] [E]A f[E]fter twelve, not so well Won't pretend it's too [A]soo n to tell What's 'round this [E]b end No disgrace... about face... Anything not to have [A]to chase You ... E A B