abcdefu - GAYLE Capo 4 Intro: Fuck [C]you and your mom and your [Em]sister and your job And your [Am]broke-ass car and that [F]shit you call art Fuck [C]you and your friends that I'll [Em]never... C Em Am F B D
God Has A Sense Of Humor - GAYLE [D]when i was 13 a friend of mine died that's when i realized that we don't live forever and [G]i wonder what she saw when she got to the other side was she pleasantly surprised... D G A Em Gm Bm
Luv Starved - GAYLE [D]I was never shown how to love so I did my best to guess everything a man every wants a tiny girl in a [G]dress a trophy for his [G]friends (that I didn't even like so) [D]tri... D G Em A
15 - GAYLE (Intro)[G] (Verse 1)[G]I don't know your name but I can't forget your faceDo I [Em]burn holes in your brain or am I a st[C]ranger?[G]Drove me to your place 'bout an half an ho... G Em C D Am Gmaj7